Friday, June 28, 2013

Letter to the fellow crafters by Mo Manning

I had to share this letter because I know how much Mo is struggling on a daily basis to educate people about the right way to use (digital) stamps. I'm saddened to see she has reached this point where she has to make appeals to the crafter public so they stop the sharing and let her live.
It's very hard to be an artist. My sister Lia is working on 10 projects at a time and is lucky my parents still support her. All she manages to make is pocket money. And I will be open here and state that on a regular month our stamps income is not more than 20-30$.
We're lucky we're small and not in the situation Mo is into... but she's worked very hard to get where she is... so to our lovely readers, please head over to her blog and show her you're there and you support us all.
Thank you!

Letter to The Craft Club (and to all others "sharing" images on Pinterest and elsewhere)

Hey there, this is Mo Manning from Mo's Digital Pencil.  -- I see by your blog posts as well as your posts in your Facebook Group that you are a nice person who tries hard to do right.  I see that you're active in a lot of charities, and that you love your family and friends.  So I'm assuming that you don't understand that you are stealing from me.  But I'm writing today to tell you firmly that what you are doing is ABSOLUTELY stealing, and this must stop because you, my dear, are personally helping to put companies like mine out of business.

It is against the law for you to upload images you don't own the copyright to to the internet for others to share. (In fact when you agree to the terms of use for Pinterest, or Facebook or Flickr, Photobucket, NING, or any other online host, you are promising not to upload any material you do not own the copyright to.)

As I said, I'm sure you hadn't considered that this type of "sharing" might be a criminal act, but the law does see it that way.  Even more importantly in my opinion, is that it's so morally wrong -- and I would think, by your talk of "care packages" and "troops" and "mother's day" you would agree with me.

Think about it.  Every image that you pass around on Pinterest or in a group like this, or via email is then passed around again by the people who get it free from you.  Pretty soon -- and I am telling you this from my own depressing experiences this year --nobody needs to buy the stamp anymore because it's available for FREE thanks to you.  Some of what "USED TO BE" my most popular images (including the one you have in your album here) no longer sell  in my shop.  My income has dropped more than 30% this year.  Can you imagine if someone suddenly cut off 1/3 of your income?  Would you be able to pay your rent?  Feed  your children?

Now look at the huge collection of Magnolia "digis" you say are from your personal collection.  I've seen those all over Pinterest, so I'm pretty sure you mean you collected them from Pinterest and did not scan in the stamped images yourself.   Now the thing is that Magnolia does not create digital images at all, so someone (or many someones) have scanned in all their stamped images and are sharing them as digis.  EVERY SINGLE digital Magnolia image you see or share is STOLEN.  A customer may not make their own "digi" from a rubber stamp.  If you want the digital version, buy it from the store.  If the company doesn't make digital stamps, you are just out of luck -- just as you'd be out of luck if a book you wanted only came in hardback and wasn't available for your e-reader.  (Or maybe you could write to the company and suggest they sell some of their images in digital form.)

Digital stamps -- even ones given as "freebies" are not allowed to be shared except by the artists themselves.  It is NOT OKAY to share a freebie on Pinterest or anywhere else.  Stealing an image from an artist is "as bad" as shoplifting, and even more harmful as then our work is copied and shared by countless others thanks to that first illegal share.

Let me repeat -- there should not be a SINGLE ONE of my, or any other stamp companies' unwatermarked (neither colored nor black and white) stamp images either posted, sent or shared online by crafters.  Anywhere. PERIOD.

Is that so hard to understand?

So, my dear, I hope you take my words to heart - and I mean that.  Because until allcrafters (no matter how nice they are in real life) realize that art is NOT FREE --and until they stop sharing and stop using images they haven't paid for -- crafters like you are personally responsible for destroying the businesses of already struggling artists.  It's not fair to the artists, and it's not fair to our "real" fans who do pay for the art they love and want to use.


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Winners - challenge 42 add a flower

I'm back with the winners from challenge 42- add a flower. 

DIGI WINNER The random winner of Lily from LiaStampz is... 
(Linky numbers were combined from both the links!)

Number 11: Krafty Karen 
Congrats! You can e-mail cely_rohr {at} hotmail {dot} com to claim your digi! 

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CONGRATULATIONS! We loved the vintage feeling and your flowers are gorgeous!

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Congrats to the winners!  And don't forget to enter our newest challenge: #43-Anything goes

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Challenge 43 - Anything Goes!

Its everyone's favorite this fortnight! Anything Goes!

Deadline: June 30, 2013
Challenge number: #43
Challenge theme: Anything Goes

Get quirky with it to impress our DT and you might end up on the spotlight!

You can read the detailed rules here
*You DON'T have to use a LiaStampz image (can be any stamp/digi stamp/ embellishment-not even an image).
*If you use a Lia Stampz image you can enter the Random draw 2 times!

*Please don't link more than ONE project unless you use a LiaStampz image.
*You can participate in an unlimited number of other challenges, we don't mind.

This cute image is called Toy Plane...You can find it on Whimsy Stamps here.  OR enter the challenge for a chance to win!

Nancy is using Asha With Friends

Cely is using Toy Plane

Marianne is using Moo

Erum is using Toy Plane

Shirl is using Toy Plane
Veronique is using Toy Plane

Now it's YOUR turn!

If you like this challenge let us know in a comment :)

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Winners for the 41st challenge

Oops I got a bit caught up and forgot to post the winners :) 

DIGI WINNER The random winner of Baa from LiaStampz is...

Number 5: Elizabeth H. 
Congrats! You can e-mail cely_rohr {at} hotmail {dot} com to claim your digi! 

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CONGRATULATIONS! It's a super cute card and we loved all that puffiness :)

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Congrats to the winners!  And don't forget to enter our newest Add a flower - 42nd challenge!

Images by Freepik