Friday, August 5, 2011

Marc and Mihai - baby boy digi stamp

Hello dear friends!

I am back with an image I drew for my sister. She wanted to thank a very good friend of hers that helped her with clothes for Marc (my schweet nephew). So she asked me to draw her friend's son, Mihaita and Marc holding hands so she can make a personalized thank you card... and I came up with this:
Marc and Mihai

Price: 4.53 $ 
Checkout through Paypal 
Please respect my Terms Of Use when working with my digis. 
Please mention the exact name (written under the image) of the digi and the e-mail you want it sent to, in "notes to the seller" when buying. 

And here's the card she made with this image (sorry about the pic it was taken in a hurry).

P.S. I accept custom and personalized demands for digis and other digital works. For example you can request a digi caricature of yourself or your friends (like the lia stampz jar/bottle etc). Please e-mail me for details on pricing and creative process.

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Thanks for commenting :). Keep watching to see if you're the lucky winner of my digis!

Images by Freepik